Lily Winston: Your Fashion Confidant

It’s a common misconception that the only people who need styling or wardrobe assistance are celebrities. Truth be told, everyone can benefit from an image consultation! Whether you’re a high profile professional, someone in the public eye, or a stay at home Mom, Lily Winston is here to help. As image consultants our objective is to create an effortless transformation into the best possible you with our team of expert stylists. Gone are the days when only the fashion elite are privy to our full range of advice, tips, and services. With fashion becoming such a mainstream entity, everyone is exposed to the latest trends and the hottest designers, but what “Bravo” and “TLC” don’t show you is all the extra prep and time that goes into creating these looks. Very few people roll out of bed, spend an hour at the mall, and walk out looking flawless. It takes time, money, knowledge, and planning. We understand that in today’s busy environment, our clients have jobs and lives and so often have neither the time or abilities necessary to devote to their appearance. We make your life easier and functional while helping you develop your personal style and building your staple wardrobe. As your image consultants, we do just that, we consult you on your image. But we do more than just the basics. We de clutter your closet, re organize your wardrobe and create a classic wardrobe that is built around your life, wants, and needs. We'll help you understand and translate the fashion of today’s world and give you the options you crave on a budget you can afford. Unlike the Rachel Zoes and June Ambroses of the world we do more than dress you for an event; we dress you for your life. We give you beauty tips and hair options to help elevate you to your personal best.

William Faulkner once wrote... “kill all your darlings”. In reference to his writing he believed that one can never be completely objective about something that he loved. Without objectivity you will never know the truth about yourself, and you can never be completely sure about how you look because you have emotional ties to your clothes and your body. The Lily Winston styling team provides you with objectivity. We plan out pieces and provide options to make your closet as versatile as possible. So when you get up and get dressed, you don’t have to ask, "how do I look?" We take the vision you have in your head, compare it to the product that you’ve created and fill in the gaps.

If you find yourself struggling to get dressed in the morning, with a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear, or no time to shop but in need of an image update, then you are a perfect candidate for a Lily Winston consultation! Call or email us, we'll be waiting...